
Complementary Therapy The Route To Better Back Health

Find Out How to Reduce and Eliminate Chronic Back Pain 
Using Non-Traditional Therapy

Complementary therapy is concerned with health and wellness
from a mind, body and spirit approach. As a past sufferer of
back pain resulting from injury and a congenital disorder, I
understand how challenging it can be to live with back pain.

The GOOD news is you don't have to. Studies actually suggest
that most chronic back pain can be relieved in just six short

Among the essential strategies for eliminating back pain include
exercise and movement. A progressive exercise program that
incorporates stretching and balance can help reduce and even
eliminate back pain.

When an exercise program is followed in conjunction with routine
complementary therapy, the prognosis for back pain sufferers is

Complementary Therapy

So what exactly is complementary therapy and how do you use it
to resolve back pain?

Complementary therapy is any type of treatment that does not
involve medication and surgery, which aims to reduce or eliminate
imbalances in the body through a mind, body and spirit approach.
There are many effective complementary therapies available for
chronic back pain sufferers.

Three of the most common are discussed below.


This is usually the most popular complementary therapy sought out
by back pain sufferers. Chiropractic treatment involves the use
of spinal manipulation to relieve acute and chronic back pain.
There is a large body of research that supports the efficacy of
chiropractic therapy in conjunction with a strengthening program.
In fact, many doctors actually recommend Chiropractic care over
traditional care for back pain.


Massage therapy is a relaxing and invigorating complementary
therapy that does wonders for the entire mind, body and spirit of
back pain sufferers. Massage therapy can help improve a person's
flexibility and ability to carry out daily functions by improving
blood flow to the limbs. Massage also provides an added mental
benefit of being calming and relaxing.


Acupuncture is less commonly used to treat lower back pain,
but fans of acupuncture therapies will tell you that it is an
effective treatment for eliminating pain. Acupuncture treatment
relies on the insertion of thin needles into certain energy
points on the body. Many people report relief from lower back
pain after a series of acupuncture treatments. There are many
proven benefits of acupuncture treatment that have been cited,
and most recent studies suggest that it is a good complementary
therapy for low back pain.

There are several other complementary therapies that are
beneficial for back pain sufferers including magnetic therapy.
Regardless of which you choose, you are bound to realize
positive results if you combine complementary therapy with a
regular strength and conditioning program. No one should suffer
chronic back pain. There are healing options available if you
know where to turn.

Steve Preston, President of Fast Fitness has been training and
counseling clients for 15 years. He offers personal fitness
training, metabolic testing and customized fitness and nutrition
plans. His new guide "The Better Back Guide: 6 Weeks to
Improving Strength and Reducing Pain Without Surgery" teaches
people how to reduce, eliminate and prevent chronic back pain
using a six week program. You can read more about his guide
and his other fitness guides and services at:
Learn More about Back Pain at: http://www.backpainworkout.com 


Source: Steve Preston

License: Creative Commons - No Derivatives