
The Grannie Detective tells all ... HOW TO TELL IF HE'S LYING

"The Seven Deadly Signs of a Liar"

Being a lady private investigator who has worked a lot of infidelity cases. I am constantly being asked by my women clients, "I am so concerend about my relationship with my husband or boyfriend. HOw can I tell if he's lying to me?"

Well, I am a private investigator not a mind-reader or a magician but along the way I have picked up a frew little tricks here and there that prperly interpreted and used can help a woman to identify certain indicators directly related to lying.

First of all, 1) WATCH HIS EYES. It's true that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Remember the old song from the 70s "YOu can't hide those lying eyes" most of the time he can't.

and if you can learn to interpret certain eye situations you can look directly into someone's soul.

2) Be objective, put the personal emotions aside.

3) Look deeply, watch for fluttering, shifty eyed looks, not looking straight back at you.

4) Say "honey, take off the dark sun glasses"

5) Then there's the old perspiration game. Ask a question straight out, "Are you sleeping with Brittney?" See if his hands begin to move in a kind of defensive way, like attempting to but not really covering his face or eyes. Watch his face for a twitch, a sure sign of lying unless he has some neurological disease which you would have noticed before.

6) LIsten for the sound of his voice. Has he turned into a sudden soprano?

7) And lastly drop a tear or two unless he's really a hard-boiled louse and or doesn't love you, this can move him into the wonderful world of truth. Maybe he's not lying afterall. Now you'lll know.


Short note about the author

LAURA LANFIELD is the author of the new book, BAIL BONDS BABYlON (http://www.LauraLanfield.com) and has been one of the most sought-after and successful female private investigators in the country for over 25 years.


Author: Laura Lanfield, P.I.