
Cycle: The paths of self-cognition


Blue-sky route part 1 

·        Mad merry-go-round. 

Very frequently we use to make a choice, considering aware development, under the influence of suffering. Lack of opportunities of finding satisfying solution for afflicting problems, curiosity of internal landscape or continuation of the way of beings, which became our ideal, are rather rarely reasons of self- interest, transgressing beyond accepted life style. Beginnings are usually difficult. As a result of my experiences, I know that conscious work with subliminal level of life (from this place we set out on the “blue-sky rout”) is easier and more efficient, if is strengthened by, well understand own needs, group. “Realization” of blockades can be linked with a kind of nice sensation if we are open, for example, for ways of work with self, which are connected with feeling of pleasure (art therapy).Feeling of joy accompanying to creative realization through elements of energetic exercises, choreo or music therapy makes easy disclosed during the therapy volatility of moods or even somatic ailments, which often imitate disease of physical body.Systematic work on rooting out old ideas shouldn’t, anyway, restricts only to participation in workshops. New vision of self and own life support by techniques of work with mind (between others – visualization), should find its reflection in creativity, which similar like workshop methods, become then specific, and in my belief, most efficient catharsis. On this level creativity can exonerate decks of fear, for which the best counterweight represents passion companying engaged activity.On this stage the answer for a question: “What do I like?” regards not only our imagination of this subject, but also feelings.I can’t imagine the passionate creating without powerful, supporting his activity, positive emotion. Then, and only then, we are able to defeat many limiting our creative field, restrictions, which source is in deeply suppressed fear.This is very difficult and filled by laborious work and umpteen doubts period, but when we get rid of relatively small part of ballast, we feel relief.At once the situations in which during long years had dominated upsetting experiences became feelingly neutral, sometimes we experience even the satisfaction, which is the best measure of our personal change. After the differently long training in a range of creativity balanced with feelings (creation from the level of intuition), our chances for establishing more beneficial conditions of life are growing up.  Slowly we become experts in domain of “blocks arranging “on our life chessboard.But heads up! If we still have wherewithal of “voyager of own interior”, beware of material merry-go-round trap. My experiences arise that on this stage, adepts of development very often yield the illusion of material manipulations, which…………………they had created by themselves.There is remaining for them nothing else than mad daily round on the wheel of the fortune.

Where to leads us this transformation?  

We’ll talk later about this question.

Best regards

Teresa Maria Zalewska