
Want Return Calls from Your Ex? 3 Things You Should Not Do

Try not doing these three things that will completely embarrass you and leave your ex thinking you are a psycho.

Breakups can be a huge tribulation. For this reason in itself, it may be difficult to catch your ex on the phone. He or she may be avoiding you for a bit. If your goal is aimed at winning your ex back, you will need to know the path in doing so. The best way to achieve this goal is the message you leave on his or her voicemail or answering machine. What you want is his or her return call and with a plan in mind this can be achieved.


If you want to succeed, you need to know what not to do. Even if you do one of these things, it’s not completely hopeless, just a little harder to make your case. Since this is the case, try not doing these three things that will completely embarrass you and leave your ex thinking you are a psycho. What can these three things be? They are: begging, pleading with fake emergencies and heartfelt speeches.


Get Your Ex Back Mistake Number (1) - Begging


Even if you feel your life is utterly empty, don’t call your ex begging for a second chance. Your life may feel this way but your ex probably doesn’t care to hear about it currently. Any sort of begging and pleading makes you look weak in their eyes and make them glad they dumped you in the long run.


Get Your Ex Back Mistake Number (2) - Fake Emergencies


Telling your ex on the phone that it is imperative to call you back because it is a matter of life and death is a big no-no. One of the reasons he or she could have left you for was the drama surrounding your life. Chances are they will see right through your attempts and know there is no true emergency. While the breakup is tough to handle presently, claiming an emergency when it isn’t hurts the probability of getting them back.


Get Your Ex Back Mistake Number (3) - Heartfelt Speeches


You may feel the overwhelming desire to let your ex know over the voicemail and/or answering machine how much you love them and miss them. You may tell them that all the problems in your relationship were your fault. You hope, you pray that what you say in this message will reawaken their love for you and possibly get them to give you a second chance. Here is a reality check… this doesn’t happen in real life. It’s only a work of fiction in movies, soap operas and television drama shows. The likelihood that your ex heard that entire message is near nil. He or she probably deleted before you even got the first sentence out. If you don’t want to be humiliated, don’t do this.


Now you have the basics behind how not to get him or her to return your call. If you want to get their attention, you need to peak their curiosity and their self-interest. Oddly enough, these two words got people to do things they normally would not have done. What can you say to get their attention and their interest? Here is an example:


“Hey there, I was just calling to say hello and thank you. You won’t believe it but you really have helped me out. I’d really love to tell you over the phone or in person thank you, so if you don’t mind give me a call when you have the time. Take care.”


Phrasing is everything when you want your ex to call. Saying something along those lines will have your ex curious about what he or she could have helped you with. Thus, this makes the call for them less stressful. The way you word it doesn’t seem like you are trying to win him or her back. Yet, that is what you are doing.


You need to understand that his or her return call is important but if you don’t have a plan to go with it, you are setting yourself up for a downfall. What will you say to them? If you are aimed at winning your ex back, don’t be caught with nothing to say.


Teecee Go writes articles focusing on helping people save their marriage and anyone treasure relationship dearer. You can find helpful information at http://www.BreakupCures.com  You can learn a lot more here. The fact is thousands have benefited by visiting http://www.TheMagicOfMakingUp.com