
Colon Cleansing Drinks

Learn about the safest types of colon cleansing drinks from Lemonade Diet, Salt Water Flush, Betonite Clay drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar.

Learn about the safest types of colon cleansing drinks from Lemonade Diet, Salt Water Flush, Betonite Clay drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar.


If the thought of tubes wandering around your rectum makes you cringe but you still want to enjoy the benefits of colon cleansing, then drinks intended for colon cleansing might be your cup of tea. Before focusing on the colon cleansing drinks, it would be wise to bid goodbye to your favorite aerated water, coffee, and chocolates.

Besides doing the job of quenching our thirst, did you know that water has healing properties as well? Water can do wonder for the health of your colon as it helps in having trouble free bowel movements. So treat water as a medicine and drink it even when you are not thirsty.

You would be thrilled to know that lemonades can act as colons cleanse drink too. Just take two tablespoon each of organic lime juice and maple syrup, then add a tinge of cayenne pepper, and mix these ingredients with 250 ml of spring water and your colon cleanse drink is ready. Organic lemon is chosen as it is devoid of any fertilizers and lemon has the ability to liquefy toxins which are fat soluble in nature. And the maple syrup would sweeten your lemonade! The lemonade drink tastes good and you do your colon a favor by consuming it.

After the sweet lemonade drink, let us move on to the salt water colon cleanse drink. Yes I agree it will not satisfy your taste buds but say cheers to the good health of your colon. Arrange two tablespoons of sea salt which is not iodized and add 250 ml of tepid water to it and drink it. This drink would help you to get rid of all the plaque and waste materials accumulated on the wall of your colon. And as a result the parasites will have to leave your colon as their habitat.

A bentonite clay drink can find a place in your colon cleanse drinks menu. Bentonite clay is known for its therapeutic properties. The minerals found in the bentonite clay contain positively charged ions and the minerals found in the toxins of our body have negatively charged ions. And hence there is a definite attraction between the two which eventually prompts the toxins to leave the colon. A bentonite clay drink can be prepared by mixing one tablespoon of bentonite clay with 250ml of spring water. It is simple to prepare and effective in nature.

When Apple cider vinegar is guzzled with one tablespoon honey and 250 ml of spring water, our colon gets blessed with certain benefits. Apple cider vinegar is prepared from fresh organic apples (which do not consist of any fertilizers) and it acts a detoxifying agent for the colon. Apple cider vinegar contains certain vitamins and minerals which facilitates the process of detoxification.

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