
Making Up After a Breakup - Using Unconventional Method

If you keep on asserting yourself and your partner does so, how would you ever understand each other? Read on to find out how this unconconventional method can work for you.

If you keep on asserting yourself and your partner does so, how would you ever understand each other? Read on to find out how this unconconventional method can work for you.


The weeks and months following a breakup are very crucial for you and your beloved. If you are thinking of making up and want to get back together, then you should start after the breakup. If you wait too long, the breakup becomes prolonged and you might become permanently separated. If you are in such a situation, you might go through a finger-pointing session where you blame each other for what happened.


Blaming each other is a fruitless endeavor. Instead of blaming, why don’t you stop for a while and think about what truly happened. If you can do this, your head can become clear enough so that you can understand what happened and what you need to do in order to make up after a breakup. If you keep on asserting yourself and your partner does so, too, how would you ever understand each other? Relax. Keep quiet. Enjoy a five-minute silence. After your heads have cooled down, then you should talk about making up.


Listen! This seems to be a very simply request yet it is unheeded most of the time because it is so much easier to speak out than to listen. When you stop and listen for awhile, you can begin to see the point of your partner and you might not be so quick in pointing out what you think are flaws in his or he reasoning. When you do listen, your partner will also start listening. Before long, you could arrive at a mutual understanding and avoid trouble.


When you come to the point that you are already shouting to each other, then you really need to have a break and pause for a while. When you have cooled down, listen to each other and you’ll soon discover that both of you have valid points. When you have discovered that both of you have valid points, what you need to do is start sorting through your problems and issues before there is a chance to making up again. If you set aside your emotional outbursts and focus on the issues at hand, you will be able to resolve your problems after the breakup.


For men, it might take great courage to recognize one’s fault. If you do recognize your shortcoming, apologize for it and be done. If you fail to do that, you only prolong the agony. For girls, you should also let go and forgive. Apologize if you have to because guys also appreciate that. When you have talked with each other with cool heads, you can then start making up after a breakup.


You don't have to suffer the devastation of an unwanted break up. Learn why your relationship failed and why your breakup happened and how you can win him back.You can learn a lot more if you have 5 minutes by visiting http://www.TheMagicOfMakingUp.com