
A perfect apple

"No sooner Nasruddin had finished his speech, some joker from among listeners told:
why, instead to develop spiritual theories do not you show us something practical?

Poor Nasruddin became confused.
- But what kind of practical thing it should be, what do you want me to show you?

The joker was very glad that he made mullah so confused and that he has made so strong impression on all who were present, than he told:
- Show us for example an apple from Eden.

Nasruddin had immediately grasped any apple and showed it him.

But this apple - told joker - is a little bit rotten on one side. Doubtlessly the apple from Eden had to be perfect.
-That is right, the apple of paradise has to be perfect - told mullah. But taking into account your real possibility, this one is the most similar to the perfect apple from all, what you could ever see."

Life is perfect - told my meditating, even paralyzed mother. World is perfect had taught great Masters.
I could not rather I did not want to comprehend such a perfection, which I had seen since my birthday.
Suffering, illnesses, sudden, dramatic circumstances leaded to following lessons through the pain had described the world in which I had to spend many years. However…
Understanding all of this, what is going on, we do create our own reality. How? Through our thoughts, which make the base for all started activities.
The quality of our thoughts depends on the ability of stabilization the mood on a high level.
This is a great challenge especially for the persons suffering, between others, of serious and chronic sicknesses. In such the situations the mind is walking about the external difficulties or diseases, and it is appearing as a natural.
Anyhow, properly at these moments the skills of increasing the mood and controlling of intellectual contents of mind are deciding about future destiny of human being. These skills decide also about the possibility of the healing a life or illnesses used to be treated as an incurable.
Convalescents and healthy people, who have mastered methods of stabilization the emotions on the high level, can create the life experience in a harmony with own feelings and be glad of own life and creation.
How easy is to perceive at that time the excellence of an existence. And what a wonderful world we see at that time. In a new, created from higher level of emotions, life situation this, what is really hard to accept - the suffering of human being is appearing so obvious.
Here is a question: if a man pestered during years many sufferings, illnesses, financial problems, death of his closest relatives, who had, in his own opinion, "lost everything", is able to change his life, create the new, satisfying life expression?
I answer basing on my experiences: yes, under the condition of full responsibility for each though, for own creativity in each moment of his existence.
Going this way, keeping self-observation we are able not only to change our creativity into very satisfying, but also register up to date the truth about the perfection of all, what exists.
This change is slowly. This is a great lesson of knowledge about the power, which we have, and which let us to make changes wondering impossible from the rational point of view.
It is looking like a sort of observation of blooming in accelerated pace flower. It is real miracle.
We are looking and seeing, we are listening and hearing.
Than we are ready to leave behind us the past with all its ascents and falls and take on our neck the "burden" of the present without worrying about anything without longing for the past full of splendors.
We see the unity of everything and dependences existing between particulars elements of Unity during its own develop.
We support with love in "ACTIVITY" each symptom of life, understanding that what we do for "others" is giving to ourselves.
What is a difference between the apple becoming from "Eden" and the "perfect "one?
Let us answer for this question by ourselves.

Best regards
Teresa Maria Zalewska


Source: http://www.obk.com.pl