
Win Back Your Ex: Is Your Ex Calling You?

If an ex is willing to stay in touch with you, it basically means that they want you in their lives in some kind of way.

Did you know that even though you have been dumped, you had a chance to win back your ex? The truth is many breakups happen even though the person doing the breakup still loved their significant other. How can you tell if your ex still loves you but they are unsure themselves? Actually, it all boils down to one simple thing: how they act towards you.

When a person breaks up with someone, they generally don’t want anything to do with that person especially if there are no more feelings or hard feelings there. However, if an ex is willing to stay in touch with you, it basically means that they want you in their lives in some kind of way. The easiest way to discover if your ex really wants you still is by observing the way he calls or handles your phone calls.

Your Ex Returns Your Call Or Calls First

Keep in mind that many people don’t talk or initiate conversations with people they don’t like. So does it seem like your ex makes the first move to call you or is happy to hear from you when you call? If so there are chances they haven’t fully accepted the breakup either. It means your ex still cares about you. If he or she is the one calling you first, then take it as a good sign that your ex still wants you too. He/She doesn’t have to pine for you but if they are still attempting to converse with you then it means that feelings you thought weren’t there actually are.

The thing to remember is that emotions can cause confusion. You are probably just as confused about your ex as he/she is about you. This is normal. If you want your ex back, all you need to know is if they still have feelings for you. Only then can you attempt to win them back over.

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