
Men, see how women are conditioned to think about men and sex

The way many women have been conditioned to think about men and sex is downright scary...especially when you consider the effect it has on so many people...

The way many women have been conditioned to think about men and sex is downright scary...especially when you consider the effect it has on so many people...


My wife was recently talking about the spoken and unspoken messages that she received as a young lady concerning men and sex...

There were women who went out of their way to emphasize these messages to my wife just before she married me...

There have been multiple women who have observed that my wife is sexually active with me and they have taken it upon themselves to "educate" her on how she's supposed to behave as a "wife"...

This is scary...

1. Men only want sex, so you've got to watch out for that and learn to creatively avoid intimate settings with them.

2. You only use sex to manipulate and maneuver men into to giving you whatever you want.

3. Give your man just enough sex – the bare minimum – required to keep him around so that he'll continue doing for you and giving to you – but nothing more.

4. If you have to cut a man off from the little bit of sex you are giving him to get what you want, so be it.

5. Your general purpose strategy is this: hint and insinuate to your man that IF he gives you what you want, if he will let you get your way, if he'll line up with your way of thinking, THEN you'll give him what he wants tonight, this weekend, or "soon". Then, when it comes time to deliver, claim that you have a headache, that you're not feeling well...that maybe you're about to start your period, that the children were just too much today and you are exhausted, or use any other readily available excuse that's hard for a man to argue with. In a nutshell, the strategy is INSINUATE but avoid PAYING UP.

Since I'm in the business of helping men create a happier, more sexual marriage relationship, I KNOW from first hand experience that my wife hasn't been the only female to get these messages.

This is what many women have been conditioned to think they are supposed to do. These are the examples that are modeled and exampled to women.

And, there are very few contrarian voices...

In fact, over the course of her entire life thus far, my wife tells me that only one (1) woman gave her a different message. This one woman advised her that if she cared about having and keeping a happy home and family, then she would be wise to be a loving, affectionate, and sexual wife lest her man leave her for another woman who WILL meet his needs.

Actually, that's what prompted my wife to start talking about this...she had just received news that one of the women who was most vocal about this had been divorced by her FOURTH husband...which got her reflecting back to other women who had passed the "message" on to her...which caused her to realize that virtually ALL of them were now essentially embittered, lonely, unhappy old hags.

My point is this; if men want a wife who operates differently from the way they've been conditioned to operate, then they must take responsibility for LEADING their wife in a different and more sexual way that creates greater happiness for BOTH of them.


Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro of RealWifeSecrets.com. Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box containing the following paragraph is included with it: