
Best Way to Deal with the Initial Breakup

“Dumped” is hard to do. However, if you start walking in the right direction and deal with your breakup correctly, you may be able to get back with your ex.

“Dumped” is hard to do. However, if you start walking in the right direction and deal with your breakup correctly, you may be able to get back with your ex.


Taking that first step after the crushing news that you now fit under the category of “Dumped” is hard to do. However, if you start walking in the right direction and deal with your breakup correctly, you may be able to get back with your ex. Here is the bad way to go about life after a breakup:

My friend Cindy’s boyfriend broke up with her two days before Valentine’s Day.  She was crushed beyond description. After her final class of the day, she immediately sent him an email telling him how much she loved him and how impossible it was for them to be apart. She also sent an email to his friends telling them of the news, even when it wasn’t her place. They sent their condolences and she kept bugging them and her ex-boyfriend, resulting in him becoming even angrier with her and blocking her email and MSN account.

Cindy may have gone to the extreme in dealing with her breakup like so many men and women. Can you see some of her errors?  How do you think she dealt with another breakup?

Cindy’s roommates were very supportive of her and let her cry when she felt she needed to but they helped her find reasons to laugh again. They helped her to understand that her ex-boyfriend wasn’t the entire world. Cindy continued going to classes even when she didn’t want to and started working out, reading, and doing puzzles…things she had loved doing before she started dating. She kept in touch with her ex though it was strictly an acquaintance kind of relationship through text and never turned to talk about getting back together. Eventually, Cindy’s ex-boyfriend sent her a text saying how much he missed her and wanted to see her again. They’ve been officially back together for a year now.

Cindy did both right and wrong in regards to getting her ex back, but it was because of the way she held herself together with the support of friends and family that allowed her to stay strong and eventually win back her ex. There wasn’t a 100 percent chance that Cindy would get back with her ex, but because she eventually found the right way to deal with her breakup, her chances increased significantly. 

Are you thinking non-stop why you and your ex broke up? There is hope you can find out how to deal with a breakup and recapture your ex heart, mind and soul. Find out how using this unconventional method works like magic and why thousands have benefitted when they visit http://www.themagicofmakingup.com