
Your Ex Boyfriend - You’ll Never Guess Why He Left

The vast majority of men will freely admit to therapists that they walked out of a relationship because nothing they did ever seem to make their girlfriends happy.

It’s a cliché today that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and that one will never really understand the other.  Whether that’s true or not, we generally get on pretty well.  But there will always be some mysteries in the mind of your partner that you may never be able to fathom.

You may well find that one of those mysteries is why your boyfriend left you.  There might be a dozen reasons running through your head as the shock sinks in.  Some will probably be faults in him; others might be shortcomings you perceive in yourself.  Or there might be a third party you hold responsible.

Well, yes, there are lots of different reasons, but I’ll let you on a surprising secret.  Professionally gathered data suggests there is one reason, which is far more common than any other.  And once you hear it you’ll see what a significant bearing it will have on the way you intend to go about getting your ex back.

The vast majority of men will freely admit to therapists that they walked out of a relationship because nothing they did ever seem to make their girlfriends happy.

Probably not what you were expecting, is it?  He wasn’t bored with you.  He wasn’t seeing someone else.  What did it for him was that all he could see at the heart of the relationship was dissatisfaction.  What he perceived to be your unhappiness and his powerless to change it led to his own unhappiness.  And at that point he didn’t see any point in going on.

If you thought you knew your boyfriend, think again.  The most important thing to him is seeing you happy.  And if he can make you happy he’s got everything he needs.

But if you weren’t unhappy how did he get the idea that you were?  You stopped showing him.  So he stopped believing. But if you’re lucky there’s time to put it right.  Just make sure that this time you really do show him how good he makes you feel.

Teecee Go writes articles focusing on love, romance and save relationship helping people get back with their ex. Get the best information you need to win him back at http://www.BreakupCures.com/GetExBack.php Find out how using the unconventional method works, the fact is thousands have benefitted by visiting http://www.TheMagicOfMakingUp.com