
#1 Secret to Increasing Your Wife's Sex Drive

It isn't a pill, a book, or rose petals on the bed (although that's nice). Your secret to causing a measurable shift in your intimacy is only 3 minutes away. Read on...

It isn't a pill, a book, or rose petals on the bed (although that's nice). Your secret to causing a measurable shift in your intimacy is only 3 minutes away. Read on...


Let me begin by letting you know that this secret has been validated by over 35 different therapists, experts and authorities. It pretty wifehas NOTHING to do with any herb, chemical, drug or other outside influencer. This secret has been overlooked for hundreds of years by divorcing couples, dissatisfied partners, and bored couples. This secret to increasing a woman’s sex drive has confused men from all nation’s and from all walks of life. To deliver the secret in one word would be too easy. I have personally LIVED through hell and heaven and hell again with my wife of 20 years. I confess to you that without this secret, my divorce would have been filed and my family would be a mess.

At the ripe old age of 29, many people think they are adults. They believe their wisdom to have peaked and that after “playing the field” it is time to settle down. After a courtship of a year or two, this young couple BELIEVES they can communicate, love, laugh and even argue a little bit. This couple is ready to commit to a lifetime together. They believe they are prepared to start a family and live happily ever after.

Truth is, over 80% of them are dead wrong.

With 50-60% of couples divorcing in this country there is an obvious lack of understanding of the secret to success in marriage. With the other 40-50% of couples, studies have shown that over half of THEM are dissatisfied in their marriages as well.

Men are really quite superficial. If their wife continues to stay sexy, attentive, and sexually charged and interesting to her man, he rarely strays away from her. I wish there were deeper, more intellectually driven reasons for men to stay faithful. Ask 100 married guys if they were in love when they  dated and 92 of them would say yes. Ask the same 100 if they CONTINUE to date throughout their marriage and 92 of them would say very little to not at all.

The secret to not only increasing your wife’s sex drive, but also to building, maintaining and increasing a healthy sex life is based on one simple secret.


Oh, I’m not talking about “who’s turn it is to do the dishes” or “How was your day”. I am talking about each of you revealing ALL of your thoughts, desires, wishes, and feelings. Men are the WORST at this and need to come clean.

Guys, if you want to have a sex machine in your bed, you have to start by communicating all the time with your wife. Some of your thoughts might not be pleasant (”You know honey, your butt DOES look bigger in that dress”) and she might not have the greatest things to say about you. The bottom line is that open, honest, and thorough communication can only strengthen your bonds. Once you get over your individual frailties, fears and inhibitions, your candor, honesty and sincerity will prevail.

After all, she talks to her girl friends non-stop. Just because you don’t want to hear about all that crap, doesn’t mean she wouldn’t tell you. Get her to open up by opening up yourself, first. You will be amazed at the fire you will accelerate in her loins by becoming her best friend.

For more tips on making your wife hot, visit www.makeyourwifehot.comand check into this blog every few days. My wife wasn’t always the hottest woman in the room…but she is now. Yours can be too!