
Broken Up Feelings and Understanding Them

You can feel your emotions but they shouldn’t rule your life. Learn how to use them to your advantage in getting your life back in order and getting your ex back.

You can feel your emotions but they shouldn’t rule your life. Learn how to use them to your advantage in getting your life back in order and getting your ex back.


Comprehending a rush of feelings that wash over you at the time of your breakup—and generally for a short term afterwards—can be very difficult.  Handling that rush of feelings can be even more difficult and even problematic because there are several mistakes one can make when frustrated, irritated, hurt, etc.  Although you may want to get your ex back (which is possible), in order to do so, you’re going to have to learn how to control your emotions and temptations.

When you’re overcome with all of the emotions that can hit you—and there are a lot that will—understand that they are all natural and it would be more of a surprise if you didn’t feel them.  However, there are differences between feeling these emotions and allowing these emotions to chain you to one spot.  Hiding under blankets isn’t going to make the world and those around you forget who you are or even stop caring about you.  Not to mention, hiding away will do nothing for that plan of getting your ex back.

Though you’re going to feel weak and miserable, it’s vital that you remain sturdy in your convictions to put your life back in order and get your ex back.  Again, feel the pain (because it puts a certain amount of perspective into your life) but don’t let it control you.

Be healthy while you’re dealing with your pain.  Turning to drugs and excessive alcohol in order to numb or distort the pain is unhealthy.  Those substances will give you a misconstrued image of yourself, your situation and your ex.  When under any sort of influence you’re less likely to have control over your initial emotions and both could lead to something like “drunk dialing”—where you make a phone call late at night spilling out your guts to your ex who either doesn’t care at the moment or can’t comprehend what you’re even saying.  This is far from impressive if you’re striving to get your ex back.

At some time during your breakup you’re likely to feel your plan is never going to work especially if you’re not talking to your ex.  How can he/she know you miss him/her if you can’t talk to him/her?  The point isn’t letting them know you miss them more than it’s you’re going to need to be away from him/her so you can impress him/her later.  When you act on desperation, you’re likely to fall victim to what is called “text message terrorism” which inevitably leads to your ex becoming annoyed with you.

Learn to control your emotions because it will make your life—and your breakup—much easier.  You can feel your emotions but they shouldn’t rule your life.  You can use them to your advantage in getting your life back in order and getting your ex back. Here are some helpful resources you won't want to miss at http://www.breakupcures.com/GetExBack.php