
Abusive Relationship – How to Rescue Your Ex

It does not really matter whether you win back your ex or not, the main focus in to end the abusive relationship.

Whatever it is that made you break up with your ex, which does not necessarily mean the end of your tender feelings. Hence it may be heart-rending to realize that your ex has ended up in an abusive relationship. Is there anything you can do to help?

The primary focus is to help your ex. This means that you should find the best way of rescuing your ex from that situation. At this point, it does not really matter whether you win back your ex or not, the main focus in to end the abusive relationship.

Have the best interest of your ex at heart

You should be driven with genuine concern for your ex when you embark on ending an abusive relationship. If it appears as if you are merely taking advantage of the situation then you will lose out. You need to be honest with yourself in the first place. Ask yourself what your real motive is.

Take action

Once you have determined that you really want to get your ex out of the abusive relationship, you will need to take concrete action how you can help.

However, you should understand and accept the fact that your ex may not want your help at all. However painful, you will need to accept such a position.

Be cautious

Although you may purely have the interest of your ex at heart, saving her out of the abusive relationship situation will make you a hero in her sight. This alone can be of great help in mending your broken relationship. However, this is a very risky undertaking and you should always be on your guard. You may end up making the abuse even worse.

Convince your ex that you are safe

No one would really like to jump from the frying pan to the fire. So you should convince your ex that it is safe to be with you. You will need to work on yourself first of all and let your ex see your change of attitude more through your actions.

Improve the self esteem of your ex

Abusive people tend to break down those they abuse to even believe that they do not really deserve anything better. Change your exes' perception.

In a nutshell, if you want to get your ex back from an abusive relationship, your first priority should be her safety. visit http://www.breakupcures.com for more information.