
Fix Your Relationship? Relationship Questions You'll Likely Want to Know

In order to tackle relationship problems, you will need to take action, as they won't magically disappear on their own.

In order to tackle relationship problems, you will need to take action, as they won't magically disappear on their own.


There are a number of questions you need to take into consideration if you would like to fix any problems in your relationship. Even when the prospects are fairly good, it is still a tricky thing to mend relationships, and it is hence crucial that you make use of the most appropriate questions. This is what will help you to get the necessary pieces of information for repairing your relationship.

Asking the right questions has its own challenges, and many people find it difficult to do it. People generally try to evade problems as much as they can.

Take action

In order to tackle relationship problems, you will need to take action, as they won't magically disappear on their own. Once you have noticed that there is a problem, you should take the initiative to fix it before things get out of hand. It is your responsibility and trying to avoid it will only worsen the situation.

It is for this reason that you need to be aware of the right questions to ask in order to solve the problem. Here are some of the questions you need to bear in mind.

What do you want?

This is an important question that you need to ask both yourself and your partner. This will help you to have a clear perspective of what to expect out of your relationship. You will be able to determine whether both of you do have compatible interests, which is important for a sound relationship.

When were the best moments we shared?

This question is also helpful in determining how each spouse looks at the relationship. You may find that each of you gives very different moments as the best ones, which will help you to determine where possible problems lie. You will thus be able to know the areas you need to work on.

What are the things you don't like?

Both of you need to answer this question honestly without being clouded by emotions. You should not let your partner's response hurt your feelings; neither should you use this as an opportunity to point fingers. This question is also very helpful in determining possible problem areas.

Where do you think we are headed?

This question will help you to find out what each of you thinks of the future of your relationship. You may be surprised to discover that things are more serious than you thought.

When you ask these relationship questions, you will be able to get important information that will not only help you to know the real state of your relationship, but also necessary measures you need to take in order to fix your relationship. You should realize that this is not the end of the road, but just the beginning.