
Making Friends on Twitter

So you’re looking for Twitter followers...

So you’re looking for Twitter followers...


by Justin, Smile.ly Community Manager

So you’re looking for Twitter followers. You’re sick and tired of only being followed by your uncle, Guy Kawasaki, and that creepy, self-proclaimed “life coach” who tweets “inspirational” quotes every hour on the hour. Enough is enough- it’s time to build an army of loyal and genuine Twitter followers. Let’s explore a couple of ways to increase your following and gain respect in the Twitter arena.

Content Is King

The old adage still rings true when its comes to Twitter--content is king. To quote from the movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” Similarly, if you post valuable and intriguing tweets, the followers will come knocking. Now let’s look at a bunch of ways you can provide solid content and lure in followers. 

Update Your Bio

Friendships are most often forged between people who have things in common. It’s natural for us to look for common ground when meeting people and making friends. Life on planet Twitter is no different. It’s a fact--people on Twitter look to follow others with whom they have mutual interests. Therefore, it’s important that you fill your bio with your interests and hobbies to allow others to establish common ground with you.

Follow Relevant People

Not only should you try to attract followers who share your interests, but you should also look to follow others with whom you have mutual hobbies. Following the right people will get your name out there and will enable others to find you on Twitter. Try following people who work in your industry or seek out fellow tweeters who you find interesting.

Post Interesting Articles

One of the easiest ways to gain followers is to scour the web for interesting articles and simply tweet the link. Make sure the articles you tweet are both relevant to you and your current followers. For example, if you claim in your bio that you are an independent film enthusiast, you might want to post an article reviewing a new low-budget documentary. Posting interesting articles is a surefire way to win over new followers.

Use @ to Engage With People

Nobody likes a robot. In the world of Twitter, one of the most important things you can do is prove that you’re human. An easy way to do this is to engage with your followers using the @ feature. The @ feature allows you to not only grab the attention of the person you are mentioning, but also lets others know that you care about your followers and wish to interact with them.

Retweet Interesting Tweets

Another great method of gaining followers on Twitter is using the retweet feature. With retweeting, you can kill two birds with one stone by providing your followers with an interesting tweet all while giving kudos to the original tweeter. Just like using the @ feature, retweeting shows you care.

A balanced use of the aforementioned Twitter strategies will guarantee you Twitter success and help win you followers!  What are some of the Twitter strategies that you utilize?

Justin is the newest member of the Smile.ly community management team.  A master blogger and brand aficionado, he enjoys classical music, the great outdoors, and trying new things (like Chipotle Mexican Grill).

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