
How He Still Feels About You - The Easy Way to Know

This plays a big part in a couple reuniting for obvious reasons. So what clues are there that tell you your ex still has feelings for you?

This plays a big part in a couple reuniting for obvious reasons. So what clues are there that tell you your ex still has feelings for you?


Among all the other worries of getting back your ex, you have to sit and wonder if your ex still has feelings for you.  This plays a big part in a couple reuniting for obvious reasons.  So what clues is there that tell you your ex still has feelings for you?  Believe it or not, you can find these clues rather easily.

Your job is to pay close attention to how he reacts towards you after the breakup.  Is he open to talking to or seeing you?  How much does he contact you?  These are factors that play important roles in his feelings for you.  Depending on how you answer those questions will determine where you stand on his “emotional scale.”  You can either be on the end of strong emotions like love and hate or you can be on the end of indifference.

Interaction is how you’re going to discern if he still cares about you.  The stronger the emotion he feels in regards to you the more you are on his mind.  Why waste time thinking about someone you don’t care about?  The switch from love to hate is very unlikely (no matter what was said during the breakup). If your ex is making conscious decisions to reach out to you, the more he is thinking about you and might still love you.  You might realize this even before he does.

So how do you know if he is still interested or not? 

When he says he wants to be “just friends”, it’s possible he still wants you to be a part of his life the way you had been before; he just doesn’t see it that way.  This will be your job. If you call and calls are answered or returned quickly or it seems he makes the call first, then you’ve still got a big piece of his heart.

All that’s left for you to do is rekindle those magical feelings of romantic ecstasy and you’ll come out on top.  However, if he rarely returns your phone calls and doesn’t make an effort to call you, it’s likely he’s doing very well at getting over you.  This doesn’t mean your chances are completely over; just that you’re going to have to find a way to get back to his heart.

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