
Gravity - how to understand it?

The article shows a simple way in explaining gravity and magnetism.

The article shows a simple way of explaining gravity and magnetism.


To answer this question, I adopted a couple of pivotal assumptions, without which I wouldn't trouble myself to explain my stance in terms of cosmology.

1. The universe is a closed system (finite), limited by lack of space ''beyond'' it.

2. The universe is not expanding.

3. Prematerial state of the universe contained only primordial, homogeneous ether, the building block of all forms of matter.

To provide some sense on gravity issue, you should have a reasonable scenario as a whole, and that means that everything must seamlessly interact with each other - must logically be explainable and do not violate the known laws of nature. Thus the explanation of the functioning of the universe requires reintroduction of ether (i.e. primordial, globular homogeneous physical objects without inner structure, of magnitude far beyond Planck's length). Without it, all the speculations and researches are in vain. In addition, by means of ether, there could be explained a dual character of light which in the medium of ether causes its disturbance manifested by forming and accompanying it wave. Ether was widely considered to be a motionless medium. I do not agree with it for the obvious reason. Now, if we liken ether to the motionless dense fog, its state could be disturbed by entering into it a vehicle. Thus, by analogy comes to conclude that the motion of the ether present in the nucleus of the universe, the radius of which amounts to around 4.6*10^10 l.y. is resultant in the interstellar space. What's more, ether in the vicinity of astronomical objects is converted into a magnetic field, weakening as it moves away from them, because any form of matter acts like a magnet. It's due to the rotational motion of galaxies, planets and other physical objects.


There is no difference in anatomy (lack of inner structure) between ether (its single component I dubbed "premagnetic") and magnetic field (its single component I called "magnetin").


                                                                                           Ether or pre-matter (far beyond Plack length) - not to scale

However, what differentiates them is their motion, changing their behaviour. In the case of ether in interstellar space resultant motion, and in the case of the magnetic field of the same ether, orderly motion caused by rotating physical objects and obviously (imperceptible) motion of ether beyond universal nucleus because of its rotation (the universal nucleus rotates - according to my conjectures). Taking into account the universal nucleus as a whole, its complement constitutes only the "pure" ether, devoid of cosmic background radiation. Such an idea implies the occurrence of two opposing forces: the universal nucleus and ether. Thus seeking trials in the vast space of the universe of the so-called dark matter is nothing else but a search for the causative factor of gravity, or ether, the existence of which is notoriously declined. And what about dark energy? - one may ask. Pure energy does not occur in nature as a spontaneous physical object. Now, if we assume the existence of ether, we would automatically have the first component of gravity. The reason is that if we acknowledge the existence of primordial ether, then thereby it can be considered as the causative factor of the creation of matter as out of nothing, nothing can arise (similarly as something cannot turn into nothing). In a word, it is the same thing that could well equally be baptised as prematter. The radius of the finite universe that I calculated (because only finite is possible as in nature infinities don't occur) amounts to a minimum 6.2*10^117 l.y. Although its vastness in comparison with the smallest physical "speck" is a scale that cannot be compared with anything else before the birth of matter was just ether. It was a prematerial state of nature. This condition was characterised by the absence of any other physical objects in addition to said primordial homogeneous ether, which by its (homogeneous) form couldn't "produce" gravity. This can be understood in such a way, that in ether alone gravity did not occur as it formed oneness (one "organism". One might ask a question what was the essential difference between the prematerial universe and the material one? Thus, in the first one gravity was not existent, in the latter is, thus the matter is the second component of gravity. But the universe itself as it was, still is of the same magnitude. This means that it contains the same material (the building block of all forms of matter) as originally, but some portion of it was transformed into a high degree of complexity of forms because of accidental disturbance in the uniform distribution of ether at someplace in the universe. Thus, this disturbance initiated a spinning motion of ether in some part of the universe. Such a transformation of ether into matter lasted until half of its amount became transformed into matter leading to equalisation of their masses. The first more complex objects that were formed were clouds of hydrogen, which gave rise to the further evolution of matter. After the re-introduction of ether (which could be named prematter as well), there follow two essential things, that are necessary to understand the mechanism of gravity.

Firstly, you need to take into account these places in the universe, which constitute perfect insulation.

Such places are:

1. Free spaces between the spherical components of the ether. They must be such, otherwise, the universe would become one physical object. Besides, there is a limit, the end of which is the smallest form of the physical object, which is the ether.

2. Another such place is the confines of the universe. Thus the second insulator is a place "outside" the universe, constituting a lack of space. This is a limitation that does not allow any physical object to get out "outside" the universe.

As far as the second delimiter is obvious, the void space is not clearly understood. Well, there is a perfect vacuum in the universe. It is between premagnetics or units of ether, understanding of which is generally ascribed to the whole). Nevertheless, these empty spaces do not play a role as an insulator of interactions of physical entities. The reason is that all forms of matter (created from ether) are of magnitude larger than empty spaces despite they are present in them too. Thus, if there were perfect vacuum areas partitioning physical objects, they would constitute places where there were no interaction between any of the forms of matter on opposite sides of the septum. I would like to call attention to the fact that space is also the insulator to some extent (like dry air to a certain degree), nevertheless, by means of ether, a so-called vacuum is a conductor which allows interactions between all physical entities of the universe.

II. Secondly, the next essential thing is mutual contact of all forms of matter, which is secured by ether (or prematter).

Physical objects "sense" each other. This sensing can be illustrated by the attraction and repulsion of magnets. They attract themselves by uniting their streams of ejecting ether - known in physics as a magnetic field - because it's "easier" to unite their streams of ether than to eject them into space which is resistant (to some extent). They repel because it's "easier" to throw away ether into space, than overcome resistance of the streams of each other, which is impossible without changing poles.

The same principle applies to gravity. Something must have physical contact with something that the pulling could occur. But in nature, such physical contact is cleverly disguised by "empty space". And that's the reason for not recognising this direct pull. And how this is technically performed, can be illustrated as follows:

Magnetism, electricity and gravitation have one common feature, which is the motion of ether and matter. Science, unfortunately, has no insight into subtleties of nature, thus I cannot provide any details of precise description of these phenomena. So, my intuitive explanation has to be general. It's an obvious thing, that all forms of matter are in a constant motion and the strength of the magnetic field depends (among other things) on the rotational velocity of bodies. Any object, on the one hand, absorbs ether and on the other hand, ejects it. The faster the body spins the faster ether flows through it and around it.

The cosmic medium, or ether, has its braking properties too. On the other hand, we know that all physical phenomena proceed choosing the least resistance. In the case of attraction of bodies, that are rotating in the same direction, they obviously "choose" the "easiest" way, which means that its "easier" to unite their streams of ether/electrons, than to eject them into space, because otherwise, it would create its resistance. Analogically happens in the case of repulsion. The two bodies (rotating in the opposite direction) "prefer" to eject ether/electrons into space (the easiest way) thus they have to repel each other to achieve it. That means space turns out more "comfortable" for them than "keeping together" when reversal of poles, in other words, directions of spins, is impossible. Magnets have the same preferences. In the case of gravity, the universal nucleus opposes the masses of the universal ether. In this case, there is no choice of taking an easier way by any of them. To illustrate it, imagine a balloon in a weightless environment (closed, so the circulating air will not inflate or deflate it) filled with air. In the middle of the balloon is placed a vacuum cleaner (not necessarily with a hose). When actuated, it will suck the air from one side and on the other one throw it away. It will obviously cause its rotation. The same is true in the closed system of the universe. It's just that this "vacuum cleaner" or nucleus of the universe pulls ether from all sides and simultaneously ether pulls matter, as action causes counteraction. Summing up, the universal nucleus (containing all forms of matter) must rotate as a whole, thus have its axis. However, its rotation may be so slow that practically imperceptible, thus it's the reason for such a weak gravity. So, the mechanism of gravity consists in a rotating universal nucleus in the vast ocean of ether. In this case, ether is absorbed by the cluster of the universal nucleus and at the same time ejecting. This results in the stretching of galaxies by masses of rotating ether. The biggest pull (stretching force) of ether are experiencing those galaxies that are at the outskirts of the universal nucleus.

It seems very likely that the universal nucleus (assuming there are no farther astronomical objects beyond our observational reach) has its axis, poles and rotates (very slowly - proportionally to the gravitational force) but such good premises that could possibly determine it are:

- The poles and axis of the universal nucleus, let's name it N - S, should be sought between opposed great voids.

- The equator should be sought where the filament galaxies stretch in the same plane as the equator of the universal nucleus. In other words parallel to the sought equator.

- Some irregularities could be explained that the universal nucleus has performed merely a couple or dozens of rotations since the creation of matter (some 14 billion years ago if properly calculated).

- Taking the above circumstances into account, the universal nucleus should resemble a sphere flattened at the poles.

In a word, gravity is forced by the gyration of matter. If the universe was not a closed system (limited by lack of space "beyond" it), I would not trouble myself to explain the phenomenon of gravity.