
Promoting a Carpooling Clone Website

Once all that is done, your carpooling clone is similar to any other website. This is why it is critical to ensure that the promotion of the site.

Once all that is done, your carpooling clone is similar to any other website. This is why it is critical to ensure that the promotion of the site.


If you have entered the industry of carpooling clones, you will understand the kind of competition that there is. However, whenever you try to get any details, you will invariably come across articles that direct you to learn how to buy carpooling clone, or Rideshare Clone Script purchase.

What you really need to find out after buying the website is information related to promoting the website. See, the distinction of a cloned website and a ‘made from scratch’ kind of a website only exists till the time you don’t buy the site and get its license and launch it. Once all that is done, your carpooling clone is similar to any other website. This is why it is critical to ensure that the promotion of the site is done at par with any other website.

is not the customer base already created?

Yes it is. But so what! Although, owing to the original website, there will be an existent market or user base willing to try out your product from day one, you have to understand that unless you make your own efforts to popularize it, people will always find another better option.

I’ve come across many lucrative articles that keep on saying that you just have to buy the site and forget about it. Keep tracks on the bank accounts and watch it grow, but trust me all of that is humbug. Yes, Buying a Carpooling Clone Script is a very economical and a high paying option present in the market today, however, that doesn’t falsify the fact that there is a lot of competition in the market as well.

There are so many other companies already trying to sabotage your business! If you want to make it big then there are some things that you too need to do except for simply investing money. You not only need to be the owner and admin of the website, you must be keen towards it.

Top Tips:

Spread the Word of Mouth

Nothing spreads faster than a rumor. So don’t exactly go about rumoring, but ensure that you spread the word about your latest website with all the amazing features made especially to help with people’s daily travel needs. Whether it is your friend circle or work circle, family get together or a formal party, it wouldn’t hurt to slip in the details about your fantastic website.

Keep the SEO Updated

Putting in some amount of SEO efforts really pays off in the long run. You will surely be able to make it to the top of the list if anyone searches for your website on the internet. Ensure that your ranking is amongst the top 5 to 6 links offered by search engine.

Don’t be Greedy

You can decide how much commission you want per ride booking. But this freedom should not be the reason for greed. Just because you can doesn’t mean you have to take a huge bite of the commission. Make the customers happy. Keep your commissions low initially and steadily increase it based on the response. If you can follow these three simple tips, there’s no way you’d go wrong!