
G7 Summit outcome: Russia doesn’t fit civilized community


On June 7-8 Bavarian castle Schloss Elmau hosted highly-ranked guests – G7 Heads of States. Outcome of this meeting made it clear that EU, as well as the US, is not capable of taking more drastic measures in order to stop Russian aggression. It is rather positive though that G7 members stated their readiness to strengthen sanctions towards Russian Federation in case of hostilities escalation will be induced by this state. Summit has also signalized that Russia suffered one more defeat as it failed to split both EU and NATO. In the meantime, Russia goes on losing its prestige and influence on the international arena. Russia’s rehabilitation in the “club of the leading States” is not on the agenda as well, for G7 representatives don’t consider Russia to have already evolved into a democratic state ready to share G7’s common values.

Undoubtedly, G7 members are keen on coercing Kremlin to conclude peace: currently it is tactical facet that matters providing all the strategic goals have already been determined. Russia in its turn is now tending to keep on opposing the West aiming to maintain appearance of the Russian top banana. Even though Vladimir Putin has crossed the Rubicon and the possibility for him to put his hands back into the pocket seems to be pretty faint. Moreover, considering Russian President promulgating up-and-down quiet contradictory statements it comes clear that the whole world is fed up with constant lie, ignoring actuals and falsification of tangible evidences. All things considered, Putin behavior is, mildly speaking, unacceptable for a country seeking to rejoin world leaders “club”.

In the same time Ukrainian issue remains one of the West’s gravest fields of concern. G7 insist on Ukraine’s putting forth urgent reforms, simultaneously contributing to this matter with view to speed up Ukraine’s gradual integration with the civilized community. Correspondingly, this issue is being thoroughly scrutinized by the world leading States, taking into account that credits injections, provision of military and humanitarian support testify Western democracies’ intention not to leave Ukraine face to face with its problems as well as their attempt to pull it out of the range of interest of its aggressive neighbor Russia.

Ukrainian issue was certainly the focal point of the Summit, considering it was held in the time when hostilities in the Donbas region got rallied. That time, militia forces started advancing in Mar’inka direction. However, Russian media precipitated to dramatically distort the information by blaming Ukrainian Armed forces. It is noteworthy that each global-scale meeting comprising discussion of the Ukrainian issue is followed by military escalation in the East of Ukraine. All in all this attack was bogged down and nobody has ever understood why it was com


manded. Perhaps Russia is agonizing seeking to demonstrate its resistance and significance, or is trying to “pay back” for having been crossed out of the invitation list to the Bavarian Alps. In any case, this inexplicable aggressive act didn’t help Kremlin providing terrorists’ forces death toll significantly exceeds that of the Ukrainian Armed forces. But Kremlin, being used to reach its goals by any means necessary, has never appeared to be insusceptible to human casualties

Probably it’s time for Putin to realize that Ukraine has finally escaped his range of influence. Anyway, Ukraine is more democratic than Russia and is striving to move on, towards European civilized life, widening the gulf with “soviet” propaganda and Russian dictatorship. That’s why Ukraine as well as the whole world wants to get fenced off the aggressor which make everything possible to show it out that he wouldn’t accept universal laws and values, at large he would never accept peace.