
Some Simple Advices against Stomach Problems

Problems in the stomach like cramps, pain, bloating or constipation are common, they are often caused by the lifestyle and can often be treated with lifestyle measures.

Problems in the stomach like cramps, pain, bloating or constipation are common, they are often caused by the lifestyle and can often be treated with lifestyle measures.


A great percentage in the population of the western societies suffer from chronic symptoms in the stomach, especially cramps, blowing, excessive gas production, constipation and feeling stuffed. When such problems occur for the first time and tend to continue, one is advised to get a medical investigation to rule out serious diseases. Most often these problems are caused by the lifestyle. Here are some simple advices that can help:

- Eat a good portion food containing vegetable fibre at each meal, such that full corn bread or cereals, vegetables and fruit.

-Drink a good portion water several times each day.

-Each meal should not contain excessive fat, but must have some fat. Choose healthy fat sources like fat fish, olive oil, nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and the like.

-Some coffee or tea can help against lazy intestines and related problems like constipation due to their stimulating effects, but excessive amounts of coffee and tea can give the opposite effect.

-The tropical fruit mango contains enzymes that help the digestive process and helps to fight disease processes in the digestive tract. Mango is also generally healthy for all the systems in your body. Ideally you should eat some mango each day.

-Eat three, four or five times each day, but do not overeat and do not eat between the meals.

-Do some physical exercises every day, and always include exercises that engage the belly muscles. 

-If you are generally tressed, take some time to relax or do some meditation each day, and do something to solve the factors that make you stressed.

-When you feel you need to have a bowel movement, do not postpone the toilet visit, sit relaxing at the toilet some time and let the bowel movement take the time needed.

--To make the bowel content softer and more easy to pass, you can drink some linen seeds or mucilago suspended in water.

-Some types of yoghourt or other acidic diary products contain bacteria that are beneficial for the digestion and you can also find products on the market that furnish seeds for such beneficial microbes.

-Enemas are an old and well-proven method to help for stomach problems related to the colon. A couple of enemas each week may help, but you must learn to do them the right way. There are also enema or colonic services in most communities that offer a full cleaning of the colon.


Knut Holt is an internet based business consultant and writer focusing on health, fitness and technology. At his website you can find more health advices and interesting products to help for stomach problems, hemorrhoids, thyroid issues, edema, rheumatism, mental issues, heart problems, urinary trouble, sexual issues, respiratory infections and skin problems.
