
Thesis proposal / Research Plan

As a preliminary step to the development of the doctoral thesis the doctoral student must prepare a proposal for a doctoral thesis under the direction of at least one member director of doctoral thesis ARV program. The proposal, to be approved must be defended, on public display before a tribunal appointed for that purpose by the Academic Committee of ARV (CAPD) program.

Once the doctoral student has accessed the research phase (either directly or after making additional training), shall prepare a proposal for a doctoral thesis under the direction of at least one director member thesis doctoral program ARV.

The proposal to be approved must be defended, on public display before a tribunal appointed for that purpose by the Academic Committee of ARV (CAPD) program.


When the doctoral student has Director / s of thesis requests enrollment thesis proposal by the enrollment and two original document of compromise between the doctoral student and the director of the thesis, in duplicate, duly completed and signed by him and the / the manager / thesis is original form. The thesis proposal registration must be done while the tutoring.

Deadlines and process documentation to initiate defense

When the doctoral student has completed his thesis proposal and wants to defend publicly, it is necessary to submit to the CAPD:

a) a memory (4 paper copies and electronic version) of the doctoral thesis proposal that includes at least the following information:

PhD student identification data and the director (or directors) thesis.

Title of the thesis.

Objectives of the proposal.

Expected contributions.

State of the art topic.

Work plan with estimated calendar.


Publications in the field, if any.

Media ratio (available or not) deemed necessary and where work is planned to develop.

 b) Where a co-director of the thesis outside the program, along with this information, the doctoral student will include a CV or a description of the background of this co-director and a reasoned justification why his co-direction.

The memory must not exceed 25 pages including references (excluding, where appropriate, co - director of the background of the thesis) and the cover should follow this model.

The document can be submitted to the Academic Committee of ARV (CAPD) program at any time before June 15 so that the proposal can be defended before July 30.


Court proceedings and defense

The court responsible for assessing the dissertation Services shall be appointed by the CAPD on a proposal coordinator doctorate and heard the director of the thesis. The thesis proposal will be evaluated by a court of at least three members of the UPC, PDI doctor, two of which must necessarily be teachers ARV doctorate. Set the composition of the court, its chairman will be responsible for setting a date and make your call.

The PhD student will have half an hour to make an oral presentation of its proposal, and the court may then ask the questions as appropriate.

The assessment of the thesis proposal will be based on the written report, oral presentation and oral defense of the issues raised by the court. The following aspects are particularly assessed:

Adequacy of the thesis proposal to ARV program

Scientific and technical interest and originality of the subject

The objective, work plan and collection and analysis of background in the subject


The court will set the note recorded in the minutes of thesis proposal, which will be satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

The doctoral candidate must submit the proposal within a maximum period of two academic years. If you have an unsatisfactory evaluation for two consecutive periods, the student is automatically disconnected from the program and have to reapply for admission.