
Pennsylvania teen gets a new roof for local elementary school

Emma Reed, a Pennsylvania teen and high school senior recently helped a local elementary school in her community get a new and improved roof.


Emma Reed, a Pennsylvania teen and high school senior recently helped a local elementary school in her community get a new and improved roof. Reed was nearing graduation and needed to do something for her senior capstone project. She was trying to find some way to make a positive environmental impact when she stumbled on something called a white roof. After conducting some more research she realized that a local school could really benefit from having one installed. A local roofing company took interest in the teen’s project and donated the new roof to Windermere Elementary school.

What is a white roof?

A white roof refers to any roof that is coated with a special white, solar reflective paint. White roofs have a number advantages over traditional roofing materials—especially asphalt shingles. While darker roofing materials like asphalt shingles absorb heat and reflect just 20% of the sun’s rays, white roofs can reflect 90% of the sun’s rays and are much cooler.

How they impact the environment

White roofs benefit the environment in a couple of different ways: first, they reduce energy consumption by making air conditioning systems not have to work as hard to keep buildings cool and second, they cancel out the urban heat island effect in larger cities. The urban heat island effect is when urban areas have a significantly higher ambient temperature due to the cumulative effect of so many dark roofs. The urban heat island effect has been linked to pollution, health problems of residents, and increased energy consumption.

If you’re interested in benefiting the environment and saving some money on your monthly energy bills, you can contact a Spokane roofing company to inquire about a white roof or metal roofing which is naturally reflective.

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Source: thisweeknews.com/news/20170425/white-roof-is-key-to-green-project