
Facebook helpline number

Facebook helpline number customer service phone number in USA,Canada.

Facebook helpline number customer service phone number in USA,Canada.


Facebook helpline number for online help

now available in usa with 20 % discount so what are you waiting for if you are in USA Facebook USA phone number is waiting to help you with any of your Facebook issue  

If you are having trouble downloading or using stickers, please try the following:


1. Restart your device.
2. Update the LINE app from the URL below:


3. Check your network connection.
4. Check the remaining storage space on your device.
5. Download the stickers again.
To delete and re-download stickers
   a. Go to More > Settings > Stickers > Sticker Options
   b. Tap Remove next to the sticker > OK.
   c. Go back to Stickers.
   d. Tap Purchase History > select the stickers in question, then tap Download.