
Here is Why Binary MLM Software is Required

A perfect MLM software has the ability to monitor the activity of its user and deliver optimum result that helps their user in growing their business.

A perfect MLM software has the ability to monitor the activity of its user and deliver optimum result that helps their user in growing their business.



In network marketing, binary plan is most commonly used globally. It is considered as one of the most famous compensation plan, where new distributors are placed in two legged structure i.e. left and right leg in the organization. As this plan has two legs, hence it is named as binary. In this plan each member is allowed to have only two legs in their every level and depth can be unlimited. To manage this plan smoothly, Binary MLM Software is used by network marketing companies to reduce errors and to manage the business hassle free.

Structure of the Plan

The entire plan runs on 2 x unlimited. Here 2 is the number of members to be available in each level and unlimited is represented to the depth which is unlimited. With the above explanation, it becomes clear that there are only two legs i.e. left and right. The two legs can grow as an inside (profit/income leg) and outside leg (Power leg). The members get the benefit from the direct placement of new members not only from their effort, but also from the efforts of their upline member. This process is even called as spill-over.

In binary plan the members are limited to only two legs in their front line or first level. Any new member that joins the network from the same parents 'spillover' to the available space or in the power leg of that network. Apart from this the profit/income leg is only filled with self sponsored distributors. In this case there will be no spill-over into profit leg. This is one of the most important factor for a company while using the binary MLM plan, should keep in mind.

Requirement of Binary MLM Software

To administer the above process in the binary network marketing company, MLM Software is must to have.

  • There is no doubt that a plan can be used by any organization but to manage, monitor and calculate the income Binary Plan Calculator plays a vital role.

  • The calculation is based on volume made by each members. A fully efficient software helps its users in calculating the commission more hassle free.

  • Software is a web application that helps in managing the networks such as keep a track on downline income and expenditure.

  • A robust software reduces the manual work and even improves human error in no time.

Advantage of Binary MLM Software

  • Effectively manages the account of network marketing companies

  • Can easily integrate with any MLM plan and have an own customize MLM Plan

  • Ensure the security of the data and provide complete backup, whenever needed by a company.

  • The MLM software is capable of delivering a smooth and flexible inventory management system for MLM companies.

  • An MLM software is also capable of managing the functionality of e-wallet, such as storing and transferring of the money.

The network marketers can't deny the importance of software that will help them in growing their business to the next level. In short, MLM software can be considered as an integral part network marketing business.