
The Natural Growth Hormone Myth and Weight Loss

I'm reading a lot lately about training techniques that supposedly raise your natural growth hormone (GH) to help you lose weight / burn fat.

Techniques such as super sets, drop sets, static holds, high volume, very high reps, pumping, and circuit training are claiming to be the way to "naturally" raise this hormone in the body.

People are recommending to train in such a way that will give you that "deep burning sensation" in the muscle, which allegedly is an indication that lactic acid and growth hormone is being released.

Now, those that believe in this think that this GH release and elevation in the body will help accelerate the fat burning / weight loss process.

Well, true, growth hormone DOES burn fat.......but when raised in high dosages.

Here's the real world truth that these individuals are either unaware of or are ignoring:

The body's natural GH production is from 1 IU to 2 IU per day, at most, even during a weight loss workout.

However, it takes at least 4 IU a day to see a real difference in any fat you may burn.

That's more than DOUBLE the amount of GH that your body can naturally produce (without drugs), regardless of how much of a "burn" your feeling or how many super sets, drop sets, or circuit training sessions you perform.

Many confuse “feeling a burn” in the muscles while training with burning body fat.

Others think that getting an incredible “pump” is an indication that they are putting the weight loss wheels into motion.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

Any type of exercise, whether it gives you are “burn” or “pump, or not, is excellent and must be done if you are serious about losing weight.

However, the issue I want to clarify here is that it is becoming more and more popular lately to create fat burning / weight loss programs around the basis of raising the body’s natural GH levels.

Entire books and programs are being written for those that want to lose weight fast on the foundation of this misconception.

Always keep in mind the 2 biggest and most important factors to lose weight / burn body fat:

1. Intense weight training to build lean muscle

2. Eating the correct calorie amount for your particular body type / metabolism, regardless of what type of calories they are

Focus on those 2 factors and I guarantee you that you’ll lose weight 1000 times faster than those that are trying to “raise their GH”.

So, next time you read some article about someone claiming that you can burn fat from “naturally raising your body’s growth hormone, you now know that in the REAL WORLD it won't work to help you burn fat / lose!

Copyright 2006 Jonathan Perez

How did a Cleveland Firefighter discover how to lose over 50 pounds of fat weight and 10 inches off his waist in 3 and half months WITHOUT using any supplements, doing NO cardio, and no fad diet? Jonathan Perez has created the *ultimate* guide - "Fat To Buff!.....How To Lose Weight Eating Any Foods You Want Every 4th Day, Using No Supplements Whatsoever, and No Cardio" FREE Details: -------> http://www.FatToBuff.com


Source: Jonathan Perez