
Why Every Woman Needs Some "Me Time" (And How To Get It)

Women have been taught to believe that taking time out just to nurture them selves is an act of selfishness. The truth is that everyone benefits when a woman cares enough to dedicate a few minutes to look after her self physically, spiritually and emotionally.

e93c04ebc6d376ddf2edaa50e3379422.jpgThese days everybody is in a hurry to get somewhere or to do something. It’s amazing how in a few years technology has simplified our lives so we can have more time to do the hundreds of tasks we seem to want to do less than 24 hours. And so we keep packing more and more activities into our daily schedule, priding ourselves on good time management, when in reality we are just stressing ourselves out and wearing ourselves thin.

Women have been taught to believe that taking time out just to nurture them selves is an act of selfishness. The truth is that everyone benefits when a woman cares enough to dedicate a few minutes to look after her self physically, spiritually and emotionally.

I once heard somebody say that women only go to the beauty shop to get an update on the latest gossip. That may be true for some, but most women love to be pampered and indulged. There’s nothing wrong with that once it’s done properly; because your “me time” should be about regenerating, refreshing and restoring body, mind and soul. Don’t get so caught up in the physical makeover, that you forget the other equally important aspects. And remember that you are beautiful and unique, so learn to love and accept yourself just as you are. Here are a few inexpensive suggestions:

To replenish your mind, make it a habit of reading something inspiring at least once a day. Take a few minutes to think about what you’ve read and if it works for you, jot down your thoughts. Other great suggestions: buy a good book every month and curl up in your favorite chair at least once a day to read a few chapters, join a book club, or write your own novel.

To regenerate your body, choose a type of physical activity you enjoy and decide to engage in it as often as possible. I personally enjoy brisk walks. As I walk, I spend time in quiet meditation and prayer. Don’t allow your thoughts to just drift while you exercise. You’d be amazed at the wonderful ideas and solutions you can come up with during a workout. Most importantly, stick to it and enjoy the results.

To nurture your soul, think of something good you can do for somebody else everyday and then do it. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. Simple, thoughtful gestures are enough to make someone’s day. If you’d rather be more spontaneous, be on the look out for opportunities to be kind. One rainy afternoon, I decided to take a walk during my lunch break. As I rounded a corner, I noticed a well-dressed woman running from building to building, finding temporary shelter as she tried to advance in the rain. Because I had an umbrella, I hurried to her and just as she was about to dash out in the rain one more time, I walked up and sheltered her. The look on her face, and her heartfelt gratitude was enough to keep me smiling for hours after that.

To relax after a long day, step outside and enjoy the sunset. If it’s possible, sit in a comfy chair and sip chamomile tea. Just look out at its grandeur and count your blessings. A friend of mine made this her evening ritual. She confirms that just a few minutes are enough for rejuvenation.

When you spend time taking care of yourself, you’ll realize what a wonderful person you are and you’ll then be able to reach out to your loved ones.


Dinorah Blackman-Williams' book may be previewed and purchased at http://www.lulu.com/blackman


Source: Dinorah Blackman