
Challenges of the African youth at Base

Challenges are perpetual especially in the life of young Africans who are confronted by the harsh realities of globalization and other forms of ‘civilization’. The approach to these challenges matters much and can turn what is seemingly negative into a strength. An African youth has a lot of issues to contend with while fighting to stand his ground. Basically, these challenges are summed up in the fight to live up to the expectations of the family, society and above all his/her own goals.

By reason of age and maturity, youths, especially graduates, are faced with a precarious reality. This reality dawns of them as they take charge of their responsibilities after leaving the comfort of home. Fear of unemployment pips you the minute you understand the world. It is even worse if you have neither godfather nor guidance.

Poverty which has a firm grip on the African setting and society since its inception has to be forgotten. People no longer consider talents and jobs satisfaction when choosing jobs, but can trade anything for a well paid job, usually outside their areas of specialization.

Talk of Africa and talk of extended family. Family pressures rear their heads and you deal with the fact that you don’t run alone but pull others along with you. Opposites attract each other, says the magnetic law, so you can’t run away from relationships. These days, one is left to wonder if it is all about money or if fidelity is archaic. For those who manage to scale through the high cost that sometimes spurts an end to most engagements they are the lucky ones. You finally settle down and those who were asleep when you toiled decided to wake up on your account. Those who are to help in the disguise of their uniform rob you the more. Fear of the known and the fear for the unknown are part of being an AFRICAN.

At home, you can't even exhale because your mother in-law has moved in with 3 of your spouse's siblings. So many years pass by and it looks like 2 men are living as husband and wife. Your prayers come true and the "useless" child grows to become a helper. The list is endless but while discovering yourself, tie your laces, so you can run and face your challenges squarely.

Solving and overcoming these challenges are simple and precise, I would advise that we all first accept the responsibility of our dilemma and everything that happens to us with good faith, cease to blame others. Give them your life; see more of what you can do to attain your goals, cease to expect things from people; it leaves a vacuum, start contributing your quota to helping humanity and you society now. While looking up to God for everything.


Source: Henry Ekwuruke

License: Creative Commons